Wednesday, March 2, 2011

RIP Domino

Many of us were deeply saddened by the death of domino magazine.  It was the pinnacle of design publications.  Every month I looked forward to seeing the newest issue on my doorstep.  When it arrived, I would slowly digest every page.  Luckily, I saved each copy (missing only the premier and the 'For Like Ever' framed print on the cover). 
oh how I miss you domino.

So if anyone wants to borrow one?  You'll have to pry it out of my death grip hands.  (joking)
The good news is that we have some fantastic replacements, my favorite being Lonny!  The bad news is that they are online.  I am a tactile person and miss flipping through the pages. 

Just recently, Lonny made hard copies available for purchase.  YAY!  You can buy them here, although they are not cheap! 
These would make great gifts, TRUST  ME.

Some folks in Australia have started an online home decor magazine:
Adore Home

You can purchase hard copies of Adore as well.

Lastly, you can find Rue Magazine here.


1 comment:

  1. Great magazines. I had seen Adore before, but not Lonny or Rue. Love Lonny, but for now I'll have to see it online!
